Sunday, September 27, 2009


Acid Things

1. My sister's tongue
2. Lemons
3. The Bloody Mary my friend and I had at lunch today.
4. The glass I stepped on at the beach that sliced a slab of skin from my foot.
5. My husband staying out way too late.
6. My daughter's rolling eyes.
7. Unreturned phone calls.
8. Steaming water
9. The truth.
10. Father's disapproval.
11. Rejections
12. My son's nightmares.
13. The cleaners I use in the shower
14. Whatever it is I am allergic to, that is making my eyes water.
15. Rain
16. Cold cold winter air.
17. Some of my cooking.
18. The sound of the wind through windows.
19. Lies
20. My husband's undying love for all things football, and his inability to see my hatred for them, all of them!

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